Momcozy Baby Registry Lucky Draw

Visit the Momcozy campaign page and register as a new member using your email.
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Visit the Momcozy campaign page and register as a new member using your email.

Create your first Momcozy Registry List. And you can easily add items from the January "Grow Together Collection" to your list with just one click.
Create a Registry List

Create your first Momcozy Registry List. And you can easily add items from the January "Grow Together Collection" to your list with just one click.

Share your Registry Link with the picture on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, and use hashtag #MomcozyBabyRegistry.

Share Your Exclusive Link

Share your Registry Link with the picture on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, and use hashtag #MomcozyBabyRegistry.

Jan 15 - Jan 30
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You must click on the exclusive link shared List Owner to enter the List page and register as a new member.

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Upon registration, you will automatically receive Tick Off Money (a discount voucher). you can use it in the following ways:
1. Shop for List Owner;
2. Create Your Own Registry List.

Use the Ticking-off Money

Share your Registry List and the campaign link on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, and use hashtags #MomcozyBabyRegistry.

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Calling All Moms-to-Be Who Love Sharing!

Capture and share your pregnancy journey in a simple video, and receive a specially curated Momcozy registry box, made to celebrate and support you.

Essentials for Every Stage

Choose essentials that selected with heart and grow with you and your baby
· Pregnancy
Expect. Your Cozy Way.
· Feeding
Feed. Your Cozy Way.
· Parenting
Bond. Your Cozy Way.
· Outing
Explore. Your Cozy Way.
· Recovery
Recovery. Your Cozy Way.

Essentials for Every Stage

Choose essentials that selected with heart and grow with you and your baby
· Pregnacy
Expect. Your Cozy Way.

Expert Advice for a Smoother Journey

Navigate your pregnancy with confidence and ease, guided by expert advice at every stage, all available on one platform.
Mental Health & Emotional Management
Physical Health & Care
Nutrition & Diet
Preparation for Labor & Birth
I Went to See a Psychiatrist for the First Time Since I Got Pregnant

Je suis parti voir un psychiatre pour la première fois depuis que je suis tombée enceinte

A heartfelt story of one mom’s journey to prioritize her mental health during motherhood and how seeking help from a psychiatrist changed her life.

Self-Compassion: Building Confidence in Motherhood

Auto-compassion : renforcer la confiance dans la maternité

Par Laura Otton. Laura est une spécialiste de la santé mentale maternelle et propriétaire de Therapy for Motherhood, son cabinet privé basé à Huntington, New York. Elle a obtenu sa maîtrise en travail social à NYU et est certifiée en santé mentale périnatale par Postpartum Support International. Son travail vise à aider les femmes à s'adapter à la maternité et à les guider à travers les défis mentaux et émotionnels liés au fait d'être un parent moderne. En tant que mère de deux enfants, elle sait à quel point les femmes ont besoin d’un village chaleureux et solidaire pour s’épanouir et réaliser leurs rêves. Elle est honorée de faire partie de ce village pour tant de personnes.

5 Common Anxieties New Parents Have & How to Relieve Them

5 angoisses courantes que les nouveaux parents ont et comment les soulager

Devenir parent est l'une des aventures les plus incroyables de la vie, mais avec cette grande aventure vient un éventail d'anxiétés. Et traiter avec...

Your Guide To First Trimester Pregnancy

Your Guide To First Trimester Pregnancy

Embarking on your pregnancy journey? Our comprehensive guide provides insights into the first trimester. Learn about common symptoms, essential self-care tips, and expert advice to navigate this crucial phase with confidence and ease.

Ce sentiment incroyable quand j'ai senti mon bébé kick pour la première fois

Feeling that first flutter was pure magic—a tiny reminder that my baby was growing and thriving. In that moment, everything about pregnancy felt so real, filling me with joy and wonder.

Conquering Morning Sickness: Simple Strategies for Expecting Moms

Conquering Morning Sickness: Simple Strategies for Expecting Moms

Struggling with morning sickness? Discover 9 effective tips to ease nausea during pregnancy, including hydration hacks, snacking strategies, and natural remedies like ginger and peppermint.

Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy: Causes, Concerns, and Coping Strategies

Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy: Causes, Concerns, and Coping Strategies

Learn why shortness of breath occurs during pregnancy, when it’s a concern, and tips for managing breathlessness, with helpful advice from Momcozy.

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy: Effective Tips for Moms-to-Be

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy: Effective Tips for Moms-to-Be

Lower back pain is common during pregnancy, but with the right strategies, you can find relief. Explore tips like chiropractic care, prenatal massage, and gentle stretching.

Essential Guide to Folic Acid During Pregnancy: Dosage, Benefits, and Key Recommendations

Essential Guide to Folic Acid During Pregnancy: Dosage, Benefits, and Key Recommendations

Learn why folic acid is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Discover recommended dosages, foods rich in folic acid, and when to take higher doses for optimal fetal development.

Pregnancy Pain? Not Anymore! How to Stay Comfortable Throughout Your Journey

Pregnancy Pain? Not Anymore! How to Stay Comfortable Throughout Your Journey

Pregnancy pain doesn't have to be inevitable. Dr. Alexandra DiGrado, a renowned pelvic health specialist, shares her expert advice on alleviating common pregnancy discomforts. Discover how the Momcozy Belly Band can provide much-needed relief and support during this special time.

Breast and Chest Changes During Pregnancy: What to Expect

Breast and Chest Changes During Pregnancy: What to Expect

Discover the most common breast and chest changes during pregnancy, from tenderness and pigmentation shifts to colostrum leakage, with tips to ease discomfort.

Coping with Pregnancy Mood Swings: Practical Tips for Moms-to-Be

Coping with Pregnancy Mood Swings: Practical Tips for Moms-to-Be

Learn why pregnancy mood swings occur and get practical tips to manage them, from hormonal shifts to stress relief, for smoother emotional balance.

Foods You Should Be Careful not to Eat While Pregnant

Aliments que vous devriez faire attention de ne pas manger pendant la grossesse

Certain foods can pose risks to both you and your baby during pregnancy. From raw fish to unpasteurized dairy, it's important to be mindful of what you eat. Learn which foods to avoid to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy for both you and your little one.

Can You Take Airborne While Breastfeeding? A Guide for Moms

Can You Take Airborne While Breastfeeding? A Guide for Moms

In this guide, we’ll explore the safety of Airborne for breastfeeding mothers, explore potential side effects, and provide alternatives to support your health while caring for your baby.

Can Drinks Increase Breast Milk?

Les boissons peuvent-elles augmenter la production de lait maternel ?

Découvrez les meilleurs conseils en matière d'hydratation, les boissons à éviter ou qui augmentent la production de lait maternel et l'utilisation d'un tire-lait. Maîtrisez l'allaitement grâce à notre guide complet pour un soutien optimal à la lactation.

Foods that Reduce Milk Production.

Les aliments qui réduisent la production de lait - Conseils clés

L'allaitement est une source vitale de nutrition pour les nourrissons. Certains aliments peuvent involontairement réduire la production de lait. Cet article explore les aliments courants qui peuvent entraver la production de lait et offre des conseils pratiques sur la façon de réussir l'allaitement.

Does Coffee Decrease Breast Milk Supply?

Impact de la caféine sur les femmes qui allaitent : le café diminue-t-il la production de lait ?

Cet article explore la relation entre la consommation de caféine et la production de lait maternel. Il explique comment la caféine peut affecter l'allaitement et donne des conseils aux mères allaitantes qui apprécient le café.

Eating Intuitively During the First Trimester: A Guide to Supporting Your Body and Baby

Eating Intuitively During the First Trimester: A Guide to Supporting Your Body and Baby

Discover how to handle first-trimester morning sickness, focus on key nutrients, and practice intuitive eating to support your body and growing baby.

What to Pack for the Hospital: A Mom’s Checklist

What to Pack for the Hospital: A Mom’s Checklist

Prepare for your hospital stay with this essential checklist for expecting moms. From labor essentials to postpartum recovery, make sure you have everything you need for the big day.

Cervical Exams: What You Need to Know Before Saying Yes

Cervical Exams: What You Need to Know Before Saying Yes

Learn about cervical exams in pregnancy—their risks, benefits, and when they may not be needed. Empower yourself to make informed decisions for your birth journey.

How To Prepare Your Home For The Arrival Of Your Baby

Comment préparer votre maison pour l'arrivée de votre bébé

Organize your home, baby-proof, and clear space for essentials. Pre-cook meals, invest in a breast pump and set up a guest room for visitors. These steps will help ensure a smooth and stress-free transition when your baby arrives.

Real vs. False Labor: Expert Tips to Recognize & Manage

Douleur d'accouchement et de travail: qu'est-ce que la fausse douleur et qu'est-ce que la vraie douleur?

Understanding the difference between false and real labor pain can help you prepare for childbirth. False labor contractions, often irregular and mild, don’t lead to delivery, while real labor contractions are consistent, more intense, and gradually lead to the birth of your baby.

A mother wearing a wearable breast pump is sitting on a couch, bonding with her baby.

When to Buy a Breast Pump for a Smooth Pumping Journey

Expectant moms can find out if they should buy a breast pump before or after having a baby in this blog. It covers factors like insurance coverage, potential complications, and personal preferences to help moms choose the right time for them.

Everything You Need to Know About Labor for First-Time Moms

Everything You Need to Know About Labor for First-Time Moms

Prepare for your first labor with tips for first-time moms, covering birth plans, self-advocacy, and postpartum recovery for a confident, smoother journey.

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