Double Breast Pump – It Changed My Life!

Double Breast Pump – It Changed My Life!

Momcozy double breast pump - it changed my life!

This time last year I became a fresh new mom. All my baby experience was the bee’s knees from the start and I enjoyed every moment of it!

During the pregnancy, I felt like a queen. I was aware that I carry a new life in my belly and that it needs all my love and attention to be healthy and happy.

When my son was born, I realized that the life of a first-time-mom has its up’s and down’s on a daily basis. You need to be responsible for a little baby, innocent and sweet. It expects your love and care, whether you are in a good mood or you’ve seen better days at the moment.

Low milk supply

As the days went by, some issues with breastfeeding occurred. I had a low milk supply and my baby was hungry most of the day. He was fussy and didn’t sleep well during the night. I was exhausted. My instinct told me to schedule an appointment with our paediatrician. When we saw the doctor, she told me that I need to do something about it, if I want to continue nursing. I liked this feeling of completeness while breastfeeding. I was happy with the fact that I, myself, produce superfood for my son. And I didn’t want to stop doing it, at any price!

Our doctor suggested me to try using a breast pump. She said that it was a great way to increase my milk supply. I was lost. Neither I knew what breast pump to purchase, nor how to use it. I was a layman in this field, and it made me feel so insecure.

Momcozy Double Breast Pump

My research started immediately. I was truly a nerd, trying to compare all those pros and cons of every single breast pump that I found on the internet. And, there was always something that didn’t fit my image of a perfect product.

When I stumbled upon Momcozy double breast pump, I knew that my search was over.

Here is why I was so happy:

This is a double breast pump, and if you have two bottles, you can pump both breasts at the same time – it is so convenient!

It is so quiet – my baby sleeps in the room while I pump (if numbers are important to you – its noise is controlled under 50dB)

It is a real enjoyment using it – it starts the session with a gentle massage, turning it gradually to pumping.

There are 16 different levels and the most important – it can remember your level, so you don’t need to adjust it every time.

I used to sit in my room for almost an hour every time I pumped, in the beginning. Then, I realized a very important fact that I forgot because I was overwhelmed – it is portable! It allowed me to use and charge this device with any chargers, computers, or power banks at any time, anywhere! I could travel without worrying about my son’s meals anymore. I felt released!

It is compatible with other brands of bottles, and if not, there is a converter which connects it with bottles.

It is hands-free – I could read or work on my computer while pumping – it saved me from hours of watching the same picture on my wall.

Nevertheless, there are few things to improve here:

The buttons are hard to press, but when you realize that you have to hold it pressed for a couple of seconds, it wouldn’t bother you anymore.

The battery has a short lifespan, so you might need to charge it more often than you plan to.

My story

Since I just had to increase my milk supply, I had to pump after meals, to suck the milk that has remained. This is how I prepared my milk ducts to produce new milk for the next meal.

I always wore a nursing bra during pumping. It helped me a lot to save me time and energy. It wasn’t easy to find the best one, so read my advice on how to find the best nursing bra.

My choice was to continue breastfeeding. I didn’t want to bottle feed exclusively, because I liked skin-to-skin contact with my baby. I enjoyed all those moments of full dedication to him. My breast pump was a best friend of mine for over eight months, almost a year. When we introduced solid food, I continued breastfeeding, according to paediatrician’s advice. Still, I occasionally used this pump to maintain the milk supply.


You may experience many difficulties during the breastfeeding period. Getting used to pumping isn’t easy at all. Been there – done that. But, always have on your mind that your baby expects the best of you. If you need to try a little harder to learn how to use the pump, then do it! What goes around comes around. Your baby will be happy and healthy. And, you will be so proud watching him as he grows.

My Mum cosy double breast pump has helped me a lot and I always recommend it to my friends. Try it yourself and you’ll realize that you purchased a good device!

Don’t give up – your little one counts on you!

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