Did you know?

Pacifiers appeared 50 years before the first electric breast pump in the early 90s, which focused on increasing milk volume for babies.

It wasn't until 2017, with the advent of cordless breast pumps, that the industry began prioritizing moms' needs, offering them the freedom and flexibility they deserved.

However, not every mom can afford this comfort.

With the motto "Always Put Moms First,"
Momcozy was born to make these innovations both functional and accessible.

Recognizing moms' actual needs (and budget),
we launched pumping bras and wearable breast pumps that quickly gained recognition,
making Momcozy a top-selling mother and baby brand in North America.

Today, Momcozy is trusted by over 3 million moms worldwide.

We've never stopped moving forward.

Moms' desire for comfort extends beyond pregnancy and nursing; it exists in every detail. So we aim to do more to span the full maternity cycle and extend to babies and families.

We're building Momcozy Village
to provide real support, genuine connections, and true comfort.

This is Momcozy, the cozy reformer for moms!

We accompany moms through every precious moment, evolving to bring them the utmost in comfort and support. During New York Fashion Week, we are launching a series of activities and sincerely invite you to join in this cozy evolution!

They're Evolving from Superwomen to Cozy Moms

A smart choice of DC heroines. Find out how Danielle Panabaker & Caity Lotz embrace the evolution with grace and strength.

Momcozy Lounge

Let's Celebrate Cozy Evolution during New York Fashion Week!

Location: 42 Grand St, New York, NY 10013
9/6 - 9/11

Debuting Our FIRST Podcast Episode

Where you"ll be joined by a devoted mom from Momcozy team alongside maternity experts and remarkable moms. Together, we'll explore the highs and lows of motherhood and uncover new possibilities for personal growth.

Momcozy Membership Program Onboard

Our brand-new membership program is a heartfelt appreciation for the unwavering love and support from moms like you. As a member, you'll earn CozyCoins with every purchase and enjoy unique benefits designed just for you. Join us today, with Momcozy by your side.

Cozy Pregnancy

It all starts with helping moms adapt to changes. The physical changes during pregnancy can bring you discomfort. To help you minimize the discomfort, we are continually "evolving." Our first cooling blanket is designed to address the heat issues pregnant moms face. Its instant and long-lasting cooling functions provide a full night of comfortable sleep for pregnant moms.

Cozy Feeding

Simplifying breastfeeding for moms has always been our priority. After years of dedicated research into user needs and product development, the creation of our first smart breast pump integrated with the Momcozy app stands as proof. Additionally, our third-generation motor, combined with the patented DoubleFit™ flange, offers moms a more efficient and comfortable pumping experience.

Cozy Recovery

Recognizing the inevitable physical toll of motherhood, we enhance the responsibility of offering mothers products to aid in healing. Whether it’s breast care or perineal recovery, this series of products continuously evolve to provide moms with a more comfortable recovery experience.

Cozy Outing

Explore this wonderful world with your baby! Compared to the expensive, inconvenient, and structurally unfriendly carriers on the market, Momcozy’s baby carriers feature a simplified design with padded straps to reduce the burden on moms. Just take your baby everywhere you go in a breezy way.

Cozy Parenting

A well-cared-for baby means a well-supported mom, which we infuse into our relentless product development and improvement. From the first 2-in-1 spray-suction nasal aspirator on the market, to the first baby electric rocker that mimics a mother's embrace with three-dimensional movements, and to the bottle washer that saves first-time parents 1-3 hours of hand-washing time daily, we are constantly "evolving" to make parenting a bit easier.

Cozy Moms' Stories

Nada Hafez, a pregnant Olympic fencer and Momcozy brand ambassador, poses in fencing attire with her fencing equipment.

Poza Szermierką: Podróż Nady Hafez Jako Ciężarnej Olimpijki

Zobacz niesamowitą historię Nady Hafez, egipskiej szermierki, która stawiła czoła wszelkim przeciwnościom losu i wzięła udział w Igrzyskach Olimpijskich w Paryżu, będąc w siódmym miesiącu ciąży. Dowiedz się o jej fizycznych i psychicznych wyzwaniach, niezachwianym duchu i inspirującym przesłaniu dla kobiet na całym świecie.

How Does a Medical Professional Balance a Career in Medicine and Motherhood?

Jak Profesjonalistka Medyczna Godzi Karierę Medyczną z Macierzyństwem?

Wywiad z użytkownikiem w tym wydaniu jest dość wyjątkowy. Pani dr Chickie jest lekarką-szpitalistką, która żongluje wymaganiami swojej kariery medycznej z radościami i wyzwaniami macierzyństwa. Właśnie wtedy, gdy myślisz, że wiesz, jak to jest być zapracowaną mamą i profesjonalistą, historia dr Chickie dodaje kolejną warstwę do narracji. Jak sobie z tym wszystkim radzi? Przekonajmy się.

Back view of a woman artist in an apron working on a vibrant abstract painting, surrounded by art supplies in a creative studio setting.

Her Infinite Power: My Capacity To Follow My Heart And Take Risks

If you asked me when I was feeling my most powerful self in my 20’s, it would have taken me a very long time to answer. Back then it was easy to let other people’s voices get to me, make me doubt and feel small. As I am getting older and have lived through different experiences, I look back and can answer this question deeply and say that my power has taken different shapes throughout the years.

working mom

Jej Nieskończona Moc: Lekcje Cozy Mamy Realizującej Swoją Nową Ścieżkę Kariery

Czy Twoje marzenie też Cię pociąga? Czy czujesz pociąg do czegoś więcej, ale nie wiesz, jak zrobić kolejny krok? Rozumiem to i sam tam byłam. Ale skoki wiary, choć przerażające, często prowadzą nas do naszego najbardziej tętniącego życiem życia. Jeśli twoje serce płonie niewykorzystanym potencjałem, przejdź ze mną przez to, jak zrealizowałam swoją pasję. Jest w tobie moc, która czeka na uwolnienie! A teraz przejdźmy do historii...

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