How to Spot the First Early Signs of Pregnancy

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Most of the people think that a missed period is the early sign of pregnancy, but there are numerous other signs of pregnancy that you can look for. From nausea to sore breasts, mood swings to frequent urination; it’s different for every woman and with each pregnancy. Let’s look into it how to spot the first early signs of pregnancy.


When do the early signs of pregnancy start?

Most women assume that their first week of pregnancy is based on the date when she had a menstrual period last time. Sounds odd, right? Even if a woman is not pregnant, her last menstrual period is assumed week one of pregnancy. Doctors calculate the expected delivery by using the first day of the last menstrual period of a woman. That’s why the first some weeks where some women may not have symptoms also count towards their 40 weeks of pregnancy.


Common Pregnancy Early signs

Although, ultrasound or pregnancy test is the only way to confirm the pregnancy, there are some early signs of pregnancy too. Let’s find out together how to spot the first early signs of pregnancy.


Breast changes

In early pregnancy, you might see a lot of breast changes that include swollen and tender breasts. Moreover, you may experience the bumpy and darkening areolas in the early weeks of pregnancy. These early symptoms are due to progesterone and estrogen hormones. The tenderness of breast is due to the pain with a gain because the body is preparing itself for the milk-making process. You can use a nursing bra to stay comfortable. After the pregnancy, a hands-free pump bra is the best option to go. If you are looking for the best pumping bra, Momcozy pumping bra is the best option to go.


Light Spotting/Bleeding

Light spotting or implantation accuse when the egg attaches to the wall of the uterine. This light spotting could be mistaken for your menstruation, but it has some diverse differences. One of the biggest differences includes light color, bleeding for a shorter time, a small amount of bleeding and no clotting in the blood.

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When the estrogen hormone increases in the blood flow, then it causes the more vaginal discharge. But it is normal and early sign of pregnancy.


Morning Sickness

Around half of women experience morning sickness in the early weeks of their pregnancy, but it can vary. Some preggers are sick all day; some at night and others feel ill on and off. Vomiting may or may not present in all cases. Women feel ill when the estrogen level rises rapidly that placenta and fetus produce. Some women become sensitive to the smell, especially food odor, smoke and fragrance can trigger the morning sickness. Most women experience morning sickness between 4 and 8 weeks of pregnancy, but it can occur in the early two weeks of pregnancy.


Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is also a pregnancy indicator, so if you are going to the lavatory more than usual, then this may be a sign of pregnancy. It is fairy early sign that occurs in the first trimester. When your uterus grows again in the third trimester, you will experience it again.


Missed period 

A missed period is perhaps a sign that everyone knows that it is a pregnancy indicator. Your body will start producing the hCG (producing human chorionic gonadotropin) when the implantation is completed. This is a hormone that helps your body to maintain pregnancy. Moreover, it also gives a sign to your ovaries that stop releasing the mature eggs every month. After conception, you will likely to miss your menstrual periods for four weeks. You can take the pregnancy to confirm test if you have an irregular menstrual period.




Cramping is more associated with menstrual periods than pregnancy. That’s why; most women associated them with impending menstrual periods than pregnancy signs. Some women may experience cramping when their uterus begins to stretch. You can report your doctor if anything severe happens. The cramping is also accompanied by light spotting.



As pregnancy is the other name of hormonal changes, so headaches are very common due to these hormonal changes. But it is not certainly a sign, but it may be a symptom of pregnancy. There are many other things that cause headaches such as anxiety, stress etc. It is most common in the first 12 weeks. If the pain is hard to handle, it’s time to see your doctor and take medications.



Mood Swings

Once again, hormones are behind the reason of your mood swings and varying feelings that are the early signs of pregnancy. So don’t be upset if you are suddenly getting angry or experiencing sad feelings.


Sensitivity to Smell

This is a commonly reported pregnancy symptom as most women have more sensitivity to smell. It is the sign of the first trimester of pregnancy. It is also one of the causes of nausea in pregnancy. But some women develop their ability to smell.


When to Take a Pregnancy Test

If you have spotted some early signs of pregnancy, then take your pregnancy test. The urine test measures the level of hCG in the urine. The human chorionic gonadotropin, aka hCG, is a hormone secreted when a woman is pregnant. But its amount can vary from one woman to others. Some women secrete less or a little more of the hormone, so these tests are not entirely accurate. The standardized measure amount of hCG in the market’s test is around 25 to 50 mIU/mL, which is usually found in women’s urine between 4th and 5th weeks of pregnancy. The level of hCG might be different in your blood.


Are you really pregnant?

Unfortunately, there are some signs that are not unique to pregnancy. Some signs indicate that your monthly periods are about to start or you are getting sick. Likewise, women can be pregnant without having many of these signs. Still, if you have morning sickness, miss your periods and notice some of the above-mentioned signs, take a pregnancy test at home or see your doctor. If your test is positive, visit your midwife or health care provider. The sooner you will get confirmed about pregnancy, the sooner you can begin prenatal care.


For more tips of breastfeeding, please refer to article: Tips for Breastfeeding: 6 Things You Can Do Today to Ensure a Great Breastfeeding Relationship

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