Should I Swaddle My Newborn During the Day for Naps? A Complete Guide for New Parents

Should I Swaddle My Newborn During the Day for Naps? A Complete Guide for New Parents

What is swaddling? It is the practice of wrapping your newborn in a thin blanket to mimic the womb. Thus, it provides them with a sense of security. However, it has some links to SIDS, and most of those deaths happened during nighttime. So you might wonder, “Should I swaddle my newborn during the day for naps?” This article explores this topic. Continue reading to find answers and tips to ensure your baby’s daytime naps are safe and restful.

Should I Swaddle My Newborn During the Day for Naps?

Swaddling during the day for naps can be beneficial for your newborn. It helps them stay calm and promotes longer naps. Furthermore, it prevents the startle reflex from waking them up prematurely. But that is only when swaddling is done correctly. Also, please note that swaddling can also be dangerous. That said, knowing the dos and don’ts is important. Here are the key information that you should know about:

  • Monitor the Temperature: Swaddling adds an extra layer of clothing. Thus, it can overheat your baby. Of course, you do not want that to happen. So, always monitor the temperature.
  • Practice Safe Sleep Guidelines: Always place your baby on their back to sleep while swaddled. This helps reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Watch for Signs to Stop Swaddling: Your baby will one day learn how to roll over. That said, swaddling becomes unsafe even if you always ensure to place your baby on their back to sleep. When you see signs of them learning this skill, it’s time to transition away from swaddling to ensure safety during sleep.
  • Incorporate Swaddle-Free Time: Swaddling limits your baby’s movements. While it is great for bringing comfort, it is not good for development. That said, you should allow your baby to have periods of being unswaddled during wake times. It promotes movement and development.

Ultimately, pay attention to your baby’s cues and adjust their swaddling routine as needed.

A baby having a day nap.

Should Newborns Be Swaddled During Naps?

Yes, newborns can be swaddled during naps, especially in the first few months when they have a strong Moro reflex. Swaddling mimics the snug feeling of the womb. That helps babies feel secure. However, it’s essential to monitor your baby for signs of readiness to transition out of swaddling as they grow.

  • Supports Better Sleep: Babies have strong moro reflex. It makes them feel like they’re falling. As a result, they become startled and that can wake them up from their sleep. Swaddling reduces disruptions from the startle reflex. That said, it can help your baby sleep more soundly.
  • Use Proper Techniques: When swaddling your baby, ensure that it is snug but not too tight. It should limit their movement, not stop all movements. Also, pay close attention to the hips area to prevent hip dysplasia.
  • Safe Swaddling Practices: Always swaddle with breathable fabric, so that your baby will not suffocate or overheat. Also, you should not cover your baby’s face and neck for the same reason.

Can You Swaddle During Naps But Not at Night?

Absolutely! Swaddling can be used selectively, depending on your baby’s comfort and sleep patterns. If your baby sleeps better unswaddled at night, you can still swaddle during daytime naps for added security.

  • Flexibility in Routine: Babies may respond differently to swaddling at various times of the day. Observe their preferences and adapt accordingly.
  • Transitioning Strategy: Swaddling only during naps can be a helpful step when preparing your baby to eventually sleep unswaddled entirely.
  • Promotes Restful Naps: For daytime naps, swaddling can provide a calming effect, mimicking the womb and preventing the startle reflex from waking your baby.
  • Avoid Overdependence: Ensure that swaddling doesn’t become the only way your baby can settle to sleep, as this may complicate transitions later.
  • Encourage Nighttime Sleep Patterns: If your baby sleeps better unswaddled at night, use this as an opportunity to establish longer, uninterrupted nighttime sleep.

Using swaddling selectively allows you to balance your baby’s comfort and developmental needs while gradually transitioning them to independent sleep patterns.

A sleeping baby.

How to Swaddle My Baby During the Day for Naps

Swaddling your baby during daytime naps can provide them with comfort and security, mimicking the snug feeling of being in the womb. It can also help them sleep more soundly by preventing the startle reflex. To ensure swaddling is safe and effective, follow these steps:

To swaddle effectively:

  1. Choose a breathable fabric: Opt for material like the Momcozy Baby Swaddle to prevent overheating and keep your baby comfortable.
  2. Position your baby’s arms appropriately: If your baby is very young, potition their arms downwards to minimize the Moro reflex. On the other hand, arms-up swaddling is better for older babies, as it offers more freedom.
  3. Ensure a snug fit: Wrap the swaddle securely around your baby's torso for comfort. Do not forget to leave enough room around the hips to allow for natural movement and prevent hip dysplasia.
  4. Use a safe sleep surface: Lay your baby down on a flat, firm, and safe surface. Using a non-slip sheet, like the Momcozy Muslin Fitted Crib Sheet, also helps. It reduces the risk of suffocation or other sleep hazards.

All You Should Know About Baby’s Daytime Naps

Is Swaddling Necessary for a Successful Naptime?

While not mandatory, swaddling often improves nap quality by keeping your baby calm and reducing disturbances. It provides a sense of security, mimicking the womb, and can help your baby sleep more soundly. However, it’s important to monitor your baby’s comfort and adjust based on their preferences and developmental stage.

When Should I Stop Swaddling My Baby for Naps?

The general guideline is to stop swaddling once your baby shows signs of rolling over, typically around 2-4 months old. If your baby starts attempting to roll over, it’s time to transition to other sleep options, such as a sleep sack or wearable blanket, which allows for more freedom of movement while still offering comfort. Gradually easing into this transition can help your baby adjust to sleeping without a swaddle.

What Should Your Baby Wear During Daytime Naps?

Dress your baby in lightweight, breathable clothing, such as the Momcozy Baby Pajama, to keep them comfortable while preventing overheating. The best thing about these pajamas is that they feature a unique BB-TEMP Label. Its color-changing property helps you detect changes in your baby’s temperature more easily. That will let you know if you need to adjust their clothing layers and the room temperature.

The Momcozy pajamas are also made with fabrics that are soft and gentle on your baby’s skin, ensuring they can move freely. During colder weather, consider adding a light blanket or swaddle, but avoid overdressing. In warmer conditions, a single layer may suffice to keep your baby cool and comfortable.

A sleeping swaddled baby.

How Many Naps Should Newborns Take?

Newborns typically take 6 to 8 naps daily, depending on their age and individual sleep needs. Each nap can range from 10–15 minutes to as long as 4 hours. Sleep patterns can vary as babies grow. That said, it’s important to watch for signs of tiredness, such as yawning, rubbing eyes, or fussiness. It ensures they get the rest they need to support healthy growth, brain development, and overall well-being.

To promote good sleep, you can use the Momcozy Sound Machine. It offers 34 different calming sounds that are guaranteed to give your baby a good nights’ sleep.

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How Many Hours Should a Newborn Nap?

Newborns usually sleep 4-5 hours daily, with daytime naps accounting for a significant portion. Aim for 7-9 hours of daytime sleep spread across multiple naps, with awake periods between naps lasting around 30 minutes to 1 hour.


Swaddling your newborn during the day for naps is a great way to promote longer sleep and provide comfort. That is great for your baby’s development. Just make sure to keep the safe practices in mind, and know how to do it properly. Using supportive products like the Momcozy Newborn Sleepers and Fitted Crib Sheets also help prevent any accident that may occur. With these in mind, you can enjoy the benefits of swaddling without endangering your baby.

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