What is the difference between a Regular Bra and a Nursing Bra?

What is the difference between a Regular Bra and a Nursing Bra?

The bra gradually over the years has become a great ally of beauty and feminine comfort. It has undergone many evolutions up to the present day, and today we can say that we are spoiled for choice between different models, different patterns and different materials. A nursing bra is the type of bra that is specially designed for breastfeeding moms. Most people want to know the difference between a regular bra and a nursing bra. In this guide, we will discuss what the difference between them is and do nursing women really need a nursing bra. Are you ready? Let’s get into it!


Regular bras

Regular bras are used for everyday use that comes in several colors, comfort levels, styles, and price points as well. In other words, you get what you pay for when it comes to regular bras. If you pay more, you can expect more features. The regular bra is designed for the women whose breasts are not sensitive and less heavy. The fabrication is likely to be for fashion sake, not for the details and comfort. For instance, lace is normally used in the regular bra that often exposes the skin and seems. Moreover, a single layer of fabric, poor trims and elastics is used in these bras that will not be suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


What is the nursing bra?

This type of bra, which we call the nursing bra, is a bra that has been designed to allow the mother to drop one of the bra straps, quickly and easily, in order to highlight the maternal breast and thus supply milk to the infant. The nursing bra is the best ally to breastfeed your little one at any time and in all circumstances!

This underwear for mom is essential. Without it, it would be much more complicated to give the baby milk in all circumstances. It would then be necessary to undress to drop one of the two bra straps, then lower the bra cup, which would have the direct consequence of pulling on the underwire, that we would soon have distended, for, in the end, make the bra inoperative.


Nursing bras underwire

Underwire has a bad reputation; however, underwired nursing bras are specially designed to provide optimum support, without compressing the breasts and increasing the risk of inflammation or pain. The breastfeeding models are designed to support the breasts gently, even with underwire.


Nursing bra without underwire

To breastfeed your baby from its first days, choose a nursing bra without underwire in cotton or stretch microfiber. It will adapt to the evolution of your breast according to the surges of milk production. You can even wear it at night without fear of being embarrassed in your sleep.


Difference between regular bra and nursing bra:



Regular bras are not lined in cotton-like nursing bras. The nursing bras have the adopted seems and cotton-lined cups. When a woman is breastfeeding her baby, her breasts are over hot and sensitive. The cotton lining of the nursing bra gives a relief against the skin that makes it the number one choice of all nursing moms.


Top Cup:

Regular bras don’t come with the stretchy top cup-like good nursing bras. The regular bra can restrict and compress your breast that leads to discomfort. On the other hand, the nursing bra has a top cup stretch that allows the nursing moms for a small amount of fluctuation.


Lower Cups:

As mentioned above, the regular bra is made with a single layer of fabrics. Moreover, the heavy underwire has used that help to lift the breast. On the other hand, the nursing bra is made with multiple layers of fabrics that provide greater support and lift for nursing breasts.


Eyes and Hooks:

There are only a few eyes, and hooks are used in the regular bras on the back. Usually, there are three hooks in a row. While nursing bra has six rows of eyes and hooks that help to expand back band as the breast changes shape.



The straps of the regular bra are not supportive and thin while the nursing bras have strong straps that help to keep the bust in the correct position.


Bra Frame:

The regular bra has not wider bra frame, unlike the nursing bra. The wider bra frame of the nursing bra is designed to accommodate the changing shape of the body when the rib cage contracts and expands in maternity.


Why nursing bra is best choice?

As you see, there is a big difference between regular bra and nursing bra. Investing in a good nursing bra is a great investment that provides the nursing moms comfort, supports and essential functions. One of the most innovative products to come out recently to help nursing mums is the invention of the hands-free pumping bra. Traditionally, bra pumps have always required some manual work, i.e. mothers needing to express milk themselves. Obviously, this causes a few problems mainly:

  • Taking away your time from doing other things while expressing breast milk (not that it is a bad thing either). This becomes an issue, especially when you have important things to do, like work, family commitments, house cleaning etc.

The hands-free breast pump bra empowers nursing mothers the convenience to pump breast milk while allowing them to do other things. In a way, you can say that mums can multitask and do other things while they express breast milk for their newborn.


The way a hands-free pumping bra works is simply by using:

  1. A bra-like material that you can wear around your bust area. Instead of a bra shaped thing, it looks like a blend between a chest band and a bra.
  2. It is really comfortable to wear it, and it is mainly made of soft cotton and spandex material that causes very little to no irritation on your skin.
  3. They are adjustable in size, and they come mainly with an adjustable back panel made of Velcro.
  4. Of course, these products come in various sizes to fit different body shapes. Sizes XS to XXL is available on all of them.
  5. There is also a center panel that allows some leeway (approximately 2”) in movement so that you can position the breast pump flanges or bottles in the right place.


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